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Self-Care Doesn’t Have To Cost Anything

Many people have misconceptions about self-care. They think they have to be deserving of it. They feel like it’s splurging to do something good for yourself. It can seem extravagant.

I’d like to change that mindset today.

Self-care is something you deserve.

Everyone does.

It benefits us all, along with those around us, when we put our own well-being at the forefront. How can you take care of others when your own well-being is suffering?

Let’s take a look at some free and low-cost ways you can care for yourself. 


Take Some Time Out

Sometimes just a little bit of alone time is all you need to feel rejuvenated – especially so if you are an introvert.

So why not give yourself a time out?

Lock yourself in your room with a nice cup of tea.

Listen to some quiet music.

Just sit still and think for a bit. It’s a luxury we all can afford and it has great benefits.

Waste Some Time

We often feel pressured to be productive all the time. Being busy is a sign of worth and accomplishment.

Who said it has to be that way?

Just kicking back and doing nothing is important to recharging our batteries. Let yourself have some down time to do something frivolous like binge on your favorite Netflix show, take a nap or just sit and pet your cat.

You deserve it. 


Do Some Writing

Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, journaling can be a very therapeutic activity.

Jotting down what you’re grateful for has been proven to be beneficial to well-being.

It can also be energizing to simply do a brain dump in which you write down all the things that are floating around in your head.

Jotting down dreams for the future might inspire and motivate you to take action. Give it a try. 

Reach Out to Someone

Socializing is a crucial part of self-care.

Even introverts benefit from interpersonal connection. Humans aren’t meant to be isolated.

Pick up the phone and call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.

Sit down and have a fun and relaxing zoom call  with your favourite internet pal. Make it a virtual coffee date – it’s loads of fun!

Meeting up in person for a walk together or a cup of coffee is even better. Connecting to others might just provide the spark you’ve been missing. 

Change Your Perspective

A change of scenery can be a wonderful source of renewal, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot. Just heading out to walk in your neighborhood might help when you’re feeling stir-crazy in your home.

If you’re able to afford it, a low-cost staycation to a nearby location for a day or two is a fun way to switch things up. You’ll be surprised what this change of perspective can do for you. 

While these are just a few of the countless ways you can indulge in self-care without spending much money, perhaps they’re just the jumpstart you need to begin exploring this concept.

You truly do deserve to spend time, energy and effort on your own well-being.

How are you going on your self care journey, comment below:)


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